How I prepared for this exam was that first, I read the story that was assigned to me, and later on, we would discuss and ask questions to the class about the story. With some of the questions, we got an idea for a blog post, and I personally used some of the questions to write in a blog post. Then we continued doing the same pattern with other stories. These questions asked in class helped us get an insight into what to write in our essay. Then we had time to study. Personally, I did not study until one day before but had an idea of what to write. Also, we had the chance to bring an outline for each question asked. The day before the in-class essay, our professor told us that we would be able to pick the question we liked. I was very happy and picked number three since I felt the most confident in writing, and I could pick the stories I mostly liked, which were Inventory and Eight Bites. I made an outline, studied it, and also picked out evidence for my thesis, and then I was done.
Then for my discussion, I read my story, which was Inventory, and then asked myself some of the questions I might ask myself or others. So I thought and came up with ten, but I did feel like my best one was: Why did the author decide not to say the character’s name and actually choose a number? I had an answer for my question because in inventories, there are such things as numbers used, and she was doing an inventory of past relationships. But I did like to hear what other people’s answers were for this question, and I do feel like it went well. A lot of people had different opinions and answers, which also made me look at things from a different point of view and helped a lot with my in-class essay.
Going into the in-class essay, I would say that I write a lot, especially when it’s a topic that I like, and in this case, it was a topic I liked to talk about, so the timing was fine for me. First, I feel like I could write a lot of things that don’t make sense in any way, and then it would take me longer to edit and see if it makes sense, which would take me more time. I also feel like maybe I should organize my thoughts because I did feel like they were all over the place. I could write something and then write another thing in the next line, so I do feel like that is very important to keep in mind.
Lastly, I do feel like in the future I will have less anxiety because I had an anxiety attack while writing this essay. I have written an in-class essay before on paper, so it was cool that we were able to write on a computer and also use an outline to help us. Everything will be fine in the end. Well, that’s all, and I really did like doing this. I feel like in the end, it made me become a better writer due to the mistakes I might have made. But yes, this is my blog post.